Homeowners Assistance
If your single family, owner occupied, principal residence serves as collateral for a loan with Atlas Financial Bank and you can no longer afford your loan payments, you may have options available to avoid foreclosure.
If you'd like to learn more about potential options to foreclosure, we'll need you to provide financial information, including but not necessarily limited to: (1) two most recent paystubs for all wage earners; (2) a detailed and comprehensive list of your current monthly expenses; (3) your two most recent federal tax returns; (4) two months recent bank statement(s); and (5) any current valuation of your residence available (an appraisal for example).
Note that if your home is pledged as collateral for a business or commercial real estate loan, additional documentation related to the business or commercial real estate in question will be required.
If you would like to discuss your options to avoid foreclosure, please call one of our Customer Service Representatives at +1 408 940 0979. You may also request a meeting with a Bank representative or authorized agent.
You may also contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to find a HUD-certified housing counseling agency by calling +1 408 940 0979. Additional information is made available by HUD on its website at http://www.hud.gov.